New Patients

New Patient Information – What to Expect



On your pet’s first visit to the acupuncture clinic, we will take some time to gather information. Any records, radiographs, test results, etc. that you can bring with you are most helpful. The more information we have about your pet, the better we can create an individual treatment plan.

Next we will do a thorough physical exam. We will check weight, temperature, gait, heart rate, etc. to get a full picture of your pet’s current condition.

After the exam, if we decide acupuncture is the best next step, we will perform a treatment. Most animals are a little anxious on their first visit, but very rarely do we need sedation or restraint. The needles are very small and are usually not painful at all. We use fewer needles on a first visit so the pet is not overwhelmed. The actual treatment lasts about 15-20 minutes. On a second visit, animals are more relaxed in the acupuncture setting.

If necessary, we might suggest herbal or other pain medicine to accompany the acupuncture treatment. We often use essential oils to help relax the patient and enhance the treatment. Our recommendations our based on each pet’s specific needs.

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